Special “Pokemon GO” drone shows were held at fireworks festivals throughout Japan (the 56th Otaru Tidal Festival, Akagawa Fireworks Presents 2022, the 19th Konosu Fireworks Festival, and the 35th Yatsushiro National Fireworks Competition).
At the 19th Konosu Fireworks Festival and the Yatsushiro National Fireworks Competition, fireworks were shot off during the drone show, wowing many spectators and bringing excitement to the entire country.
The 700-aircraft drone show is the largest of its kind by a Japanese company. As of December 2, 2022, according to our own research.

Published Media
40,000 people watched “Pokemon GO” Special Drone Show Summer IN Aka River Fireworks 2022. Pokémon represented by 700 drones – drone.jp
Pokemon GO” 6th Anniversary ‘Special Drone Show’ to be held on October 1 – GAME Watch
Pokémon GO: Archived footage of “Autumn Drone Show” is now available Pokémon dance with fireworks in the background – MoguLive
©2022 Niantic, Inc.
©2022 Pokémon. ©1995-2022 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc.
Pokémon and Pokémon are registered trademarks of Nintendo, Creatures Inc. and Game Freak Inc.
Date | 2022.7〜10 |
Venue | Otaru Tidal Festival, Akagawa Fireworks Presents 2022, 19th Konosu Fireworks Festival, 35th Yatsushiro National Fireworks Competition |
Number of Drones | 700drones |